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Wednesday 18th August 2021

Sounds Familiar: Food Stories

Come and listen to a variety of sound recordings and music to trigger memories and have some fun. We would love to hear your food stories! The session will be informal and interactive.

1 ticket per adult, both those with dementia and their carers.

Duration: 1 hour


Book in person at Quorn Library or telephone: 01509 414633 (during opening hours)

The Sounds Familiar Project has been a partnership with the British Library, University of Leicester and Leicestershire County Council’s Participation Team. It was interested in the creation and delivery of sound reminiscence sessions for people living with dementia with a view to stimulating memories and improving their well-being.

Evaluators found that feedback from the sessions and the whole project was positive.

“It’s the highlight of the week.” (Participant)

The free sounds resources are available to download from: