Edward, Farmer
I’m Edward Hill, I’m a farmer.
Looking at the Ladybird books, do you think your job is like the one depicted in the book?
It was like about fifty years ago.
What are the main differences between then and now?
Well things have totally changed today. I mean now all our cows have got a computer chip on them so that your mobile phone can have an alert and that cow is automatically segregated out. So, when you’re milking high input high output you’ve got to have the technology. So, computers are so much in our face today. Everybody’s going on about all the methane and the damage that cows do, but that actually our nutritionist (you have to have one) actually includes an additive to cut down on the methane. So, there’s not so much of the gas that’s going out that everybody proclaims because it’s under control because our cows are totally fed the ration that reduces methane.
What things have stayed the same?
Hard work, dedication and just bloody mindedness.
What makes your job special?
Seeing sunrise I guess, or the sunset. Knowing you’re still working, you haven’t made much money in the day but you can still try and enjoy it.
Have you always worked in Harborough?
Yes, all my life.
What is special about doing your job in Harborough area?
It’s the same I guess up and down the country, you just have to have hard work and dedication to the job. You’ve got to enjoy it, you’re not in it for the money, you’re here because you want to work hard at it.