What can you pledge to make Black lives better?
People and organisations make pledges to make change in support of Black Lives.
How will you be part of the solution?
Share your own video by emailing Participation@leics.gov.uk
Alison Clague, Senior Curator, Leicestershire County Council
“To understand more about the contribution Black people have made in Leicestershire… To increase the Leicestershire Collections to reflect Black Lives.”
Jenny Moran and Robin Jenkins, Senior Archivists, The Record Office for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
“We will observe, we will watch, we will listen, and we will record the Black Lives Matter movements as regards our local communities.”
Councillor Louise Richardson, LCC Lead Member for Equalities
“It is in our gift to make even the smallest of positive change… It is up to all of us to determine our present and our future. I pledge to listen, to learn and do what I can to engage with our communities and to have a cohesive, tolerant and positive society.”