Our Museum Collections
Come and see our jewellery in the exhibition
Our archaeology collection contains other items of jewellery dating back at least 4,500 years and possibly further. The collection includes recognisable types of jewellery such as finger rings and brooches but also object types which are no longer commonplace, showing how jewellery reflects contemporary fashion and beliefs. These pieces have been collected by antiquarians, professional and amateur archaeologists, and metal detectorists and discovered as chance finds by members of the public.
We also have a small selection of jewellery from around the world which was acquired in the past for the Museum Schools Loan Collection. These pieces were part of a large and diverse collection, established in the 1930s which could be borrowed to support learning in the classroom and other settings. They offered an insight into different styles of decoration, symbolism, materials and manufacturing techniques.
Local people connections to the jewellery
Volunteers from Heritage and Libraries, Collections, Learning and Participation were invited to our Collections Resource Centre and given time to explore the jewellery in our museum collections. They each chose a piece that spoke to them and shared their response to it and how it made them feel.