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Creative Expression in Libraries

Exciting community projects developed and delivered by Creative Practitioners with the aim of engaging children and families in our library offer.

Activity for year one will take place in the following sites:

Birstall Library
Activity will be aimed at families and or/educational settings with children in Key stage 1 and 2.

Melton Library
Activity will be focused around Local Studies Collection.
The Creative Practitioner brief is now live. For further information, please click here.

Shepshed Library
In response to the anti-social behaviour that has occurred in and outside the library space, activity will focus on engaging teenagers.

Oadby Library
Oadby library has commissioned artist Sophie Mahon to work with 0-4 year olds and their caregivers who live in Oadby to co-create a multisensory artwork or resources for the library.

Each project will have a creative output linked to it which will be developed by the participants. This could be a community book, exhibition, piece of artwork, theatre performance, dance, digital, storytelling etc.…watch this space to see the exciting things that get created!

Coalville Library

Due to the timeframes of the S106 refurb the decision has been made to postpone the programming of the Coalville Library project to year 2 or 3.

We have been successful at receiving ‘Culture Nature’ funding for Coalville Library; a program developed by Natural England in partnership with Libraries Connected. This will support the initial phases of the development of a community garden, alongside the co-curation of nature themed library activities. This project will tie in with the NPO Cultural Youth Forum strand.

Staff training
To help support the successful delivery of the Creative Expressions in Libraries strand, training opportunities will be made available for staff within Libraries.

We are currently in the process of organising training for staff around engaging teen audiences and managing challenging behaviour.